Thursday, May 1, 2008


Okay, well I wrote this to calm myself down a couple months ago. Because I didn't want to get upset... so instead I wrote until I felt better.

Yes. I hate this
Though as a general
Rule, I do not use that word
What; creates this?
While we cannot always
Feel this tension—it’s so cold
We have all felt this before
Impersonal. Dark.

And I—I don’t want to be here
I want to slip away and hide
In the strongholds of my mind—and soul
Where I have been before, Midnight

Do I—should I run away now?
I want to slip away and run
In the wilderness of our town—our home
Where feet have never been before, Aurora

Lost, in your street’s lights
Deteriorating bricks glow red and green
Fox River condemns the garbled sights
Chuckles at a one-way street—serene
Currently this dead, sub-zero night

Over yonder, not a shadow,
Though as ghostly
Stands, the young girl—thin and pale
Life has followed her here

1 comment:

to touch the stars said...

Er, that's odd. I commented the other day and it didn't shown up. Well, here goes again.

Love the last stanza but in all it's an amazing poem. *heh* I like how you incorporate where you makes it more real and personal.